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Brands We Love

Shop the top flooring brands in Edmonton

Ask your Monarch Flooring expert which brand suits your needs best.


Why We Love Mohawk

Mohawk takes investing in our community seriously. As a flooring retailer, we consider this part of our leadership role and we pride ourselves on carrying innovative products that make life better for our customers and also contribute to a greater good. Did you know that you can purchase quality flooring products and support tremendous causes at the same time?

That’s one of the many reasons we carry and support Mohawk Flooring products. Mohawk invests in environmentally responsible practices, develop renewable resources and uses efficient facilities and delivery systems. Mohawk Flooring leads the pack when it comes to eco-friendly flooring from carpet and carpet cushion to hardwood, laminate and tile.

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Why We Love Beaulieu Canada

Floor covering experts

More than 65 years of dedication to quality have made us the first choice in floor coverings. Beaulieu Canada, supplier of choice, has over 2,000 points of sale in Canada and has offered a complete line of hard surface floor coverings for more than 15 years.